Antarctica - Deep South
11 nights
Under an Iceberg!
Adelie penguins on an iceberg
Icy mountains of Antartcica

This special journey takes you further south than at any other time in the season.

Antarctica - Deep South


Expedition Ship: Akademik Sergey Vavilov
Length: 11 Nights


By flying to King George Island in Antarctica at the start of the voyage, we save two days on the ocean crossing. The time we save by flying south, allows for a more substantial exploration below the Antarctic Circle. Here we witness stunning landscapes, sizable Adelie penguin rookeries and large flat-topped tabular icebergs that drift north from the Bellingshausen Sea. We always anticipate exciting ice navigation when we push this far south.

We navigate the glaciated coastline of the Antarctic Peninsula, passing through various archipelagos on our way to the Gerlache Strait region. With favourable weather and ice conditions we hope to reach Marguerite Bay. This is a spectacular location reached by just a handful of ships each season.

We navigate the glaciated coastline of the Antarctic Peninsula, passing through the Argentine Fish and Yalour Island archipelagos on our way to the Gerlache Strait region. We aim to cross 66 degrees, 33 minutes south latitude, which officially marks the position of the Antarctic Circle on the global map. There are several important scientific stations here and a number of significant historic sites we hope to explore.


Itinerary in Brief

Day 1            Punta Arenas, Chile to King George Is.

Days 2-6       Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsula

Days 7-9       Antarctic Circle

Days 10-11   Drake Passage and Cape Horn

Day 12          Ushuaia, Argentina


Detailed Itinerary

Day 1             Punta Arenas, Chile

Our journey commences in Punta Arenas, located in southern Chile, where we board our two-hour flight across the Drake Passage to Antarctica. Upon arrival at the King George Island in Antarctica, we embark our ship via Zodiac inflatable crafts.

Days 2–6      Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsula

Overnight we have navigated across the Bransfield Strait and awake to the towering peaks of the Antarctic continent. For the next five days we have a varied itinerary pushing southwards with much to see and do. We will be opportunistic, making shore landings in locations navigating to our ultimate objective below the Antarctic Circle. Planned visits might include Port Charcot, several locations in the Fish and Argentine Island archipelagos which allow for zodiac cruising and potential shore landings, a hike on Winter Island to explore the old British Antarctic Suvey Hut- Wordie House, Petermann Island, and a cruise through Lemaire Channel if ice allows. Along the way we hope to make a visit at Pleneau Island.

Days 7–9      Antarctic Circle

Given optimal ice conditions, we aim to sail south of the Antarctic Circle. A favored landing site here is Detaille Island, home to an abandoned British science hute, providing a glimpse into the harsh life of early Antarctic scientists and researchers. We are at the mercy of prevailing ice conditions navigating even further south. Years of experience tell us that late February gives us our best chance of reaching Marguerite Bay. We may take the ‘shortcut’ through a narrow channel known as 'the Gullet' if the passage is ice-free. Otherwise, we could navigate around the outside of Adelaide Island - which will take more time, yet bring us to the same destination.

Days 10-11    Drake Passage and Cape Horn

We leave this magical place and chart a course north back to South America, heading again across the Antarctic Convergence. If weather conditions allow, we hope to make a rounding of Cape Horn. This fabled stretch of water is home to legendary tales of exploration and early navigation. It’s a fitting place to reflect on a wonderful expedition. We celebrate the conclusion of our Polar expedition with a special dinner.

Day 12            Ushuaia, Argentina

In the early morning, we arrive into Ushuaia, Argentina. It is time to say farewell to your crew and fellow travellers. Guests will be transported to their hotels or to the airport for return flights home. It will be possible to connect to flights through to Buenos Aires or other destinations in South America. Otherwise enjoy a night in town or venture further afield to explore the highlights of Patagonia.


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