Ecuador & The Galapagos
Kicker rock Galapagos Islands
Basilica in Quito's old town
Green sea turtle, Galapagos Islands
Cerviche Ecuadorian style, a more soupy variatal
Marine iguana, Galapagos Islands
Macaw, Amazon rainforest
Cathedral Of The Immaculate Conception In Cuenca
Squirrel monkeys, Amazon rainforest

This pint-sized country punches well above it’s weight with feisty active volcanoes, Quito’s colonial splendor and the natural masterpiece of the wildlife-teeming Galapagos Islands.


Ecuador & The Galapagos Islands

It might be tiny, but Ecuador offers more diversity than most countries five times its size. Full of vibrant colonial cities, coastal Afro-Equadorian towns with requisite seafood feasts, and remote Amazonian settlements where shamans continue to practise the rituals of times gone by, the culture is vast and the travel times short.

With natural masterpieces including the Galapagos Islands, the teeming jungles of the Amazon, the world’s most active volcanoes and the seemingly impenetrable fortress of the Andes, the country offers plenty to compete for your attention. Indeed, wildlife lovers will not be disappointed, foodies will be surprised and cultural buffs will find a plethora of fascinating sights.

Ecuador is a pint-sized land with a brag-worthy bag of reasons to go.

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